
Concerned about your health

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) ,which was developed by Marsha Linehan, PhD, at the University of Washington, is a type of psychotherapy (sometimes called "talking therapy") for borderline personality disorder (BPD). It is now also used widely in the treatment of bipolar disorder.
DBT is a cognitive behavioral therapy, meaning it is a therapy that focuses on the role of cognition (e.g., thoughts and beliefs) and behaviors (e.g., actions) in the development and the treatment of these disorders. DBT includes some changes to the traditional cognitive behavioral elements of therapy in order to help specifically reduce symptoms.

Jean, also known as Tempest, is a Moderator is our Forums. She gives special focus to coping skills through DBT Skills Training. In the mission for this folder, Tempest notes that people with mental illness often feel controlled by their illness; coping techniques put the reins back in the hands of the person.

She shares, “I have four years of training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and during that time I developed and determined skills to prevent episodes and skills for mania, depression, and psychosis. I found using those skills minimized my symptoms.”


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